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Friday, June 3

" ^_^ "

"assalammualaikum.. hye readerssss... "
ape khaba?? hopely sehat2 jewp.. hahaha.. xd mukadimah laen yg chouko ley wat gak nyerrr...

urm.. let's start d entry.. (tp nk cite ape??)
chouko spend mase wat quiz la..
myb nak kenal diri sendiri.. (katenyerrr..)

this is d result.. ;)

You stand up for what you believe in

You are the kind of person who never gives up(baru chouko twu.. tp yeke?? hahaha). Loyal (hahaha) and courageous(absolutely), you're always willing to stand up for yourself and people you care about. However, you have a little bit of a temper problem (this is ME!!!!)...
a bit membantu kenal diri sendiri laaa.. haha.. kind of refleksi diri.. muahahahaha...

k la, nk chaw.. sambong jelajah dunia di hujung jari nih.. plus hilangkan tensyen n ase marah nih.. (marah pade sape?? let secret b a secret 4eva) 

merepek la chouko nih.. hahaha.. k la readers.. bubye!! ;)


Terima Kasih sudi baca. SUKA?? ~L!Ke-L!Ke aJe~!! :)

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